Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 8 - Aloha from the South

Hey Family and Friends!

I'm running out of greetings to give to you guys! They don't really
say Aloha here, but I love Hawaii, so I figured that it'd work!

So this week has been alright. We haven't really done much people
wise. Sister Blau has been sick this week, so she slept a lot and I
did my studying a lot and well I'm learning quite a bit from my
studies. The Book of Mormon is so true and it really blesses lives. My
testimony has grown so much because of it. I'm in Alma now and it is
so great. I never really payed attention to the book of Mosiah so that
was great to see it in a new light.

So something that happened this week. Is we did a ton of service! It
is awesome serving other people. It really brings out the positive in
you, especially when you are having a really negative week. Tab our
recent convert told us that he might be moving back to Florida and we
were really bummed because he's basically the only one we are
teaching. Then he told us that he is staying! We were so excited! He
received the Priesthood on Sunday and a calling to be a ward
missionary! Super exciting!

So Sister Blau and I spend a ton of time at the hospital. Not for
ourselves, but for our members. We have been visiting Stephen in the
hospital! He is doing pretty good. He should get out today hopefully!
His wife Ally is not a member and we are teaching her and she told us
that she wants to be baptized. Like the first day I was here, I was
like will you be baptized and she was like yes! So we are hoping when
things settle down we can teach her some more!

Well that's all about what happened this week! Thank you for the
letters and emails! The prayers! Your love and support! I hope all
y'all have a great week! 😜

Sister Jacob
Serving in South Knox

Me holding a Albino King Snake. Just because I know it'll freak my mom out.

Picnic we had 4/11 for P-day

Last District meeting before transfers

Me, Sister Blau, and Tuffy - the Bundy's dog

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