Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Week 14 - Has it been 3 months already?! WOW!

Howdy Family and Friends and Everyone and Everyone's dog!

Well this week.... I don't even know where to begin. I think the
beginning would be a good start! πŸ˜‚ First off, how has y'alls week
been? I hope it was awesome because y'all are just so awesome and you
deserve it!

P-day was just kind of a lazy day. We went shopping all day and if you
know me I absolutely hate shopping. It was full of laughs though! 😊
Ohh! Funny story from last week! We were on our way to visit a less
active, but we had to go to the bathroom so bad, so we stopped at a
grocery store and went to the bathroom! Then as we came out we saw a
pillar of light shining on this machine... We then proceeded over to
the machine. We are now addicted to the claw machine! πŸ˜‚

This week Sister Wright has been sick... Nothing really new! They say
the third time is the charm! Hopefully she gets better soon! I feel so
bad! Even though we've had diseases we still have had some very
spiritual experiences! One of our less actives have been struggling
pretty bad this week with some of her trials. Every time we have seen
her and her friend (one of our investigators) it's just been such an
amazing spiritual experience! I can't go into too much detail, but
just know that it was great and we were all just in tears!

I have really learned this week about our Savior's Atonement. I really
didn't know it before and it was always so hard to comprehend, but as
I've been serving out here and learning more. I am understanding it
little by little. It is so amazing! I love my Savior and all He has
done for me personally! I have really come to know Him as I have been
out here. I can't even put into words just how amazing He is and how
this Gospel has blessed my life. Through the ups and the downs, even
the middles. We are never alone. He understands. We just need to be
open and humble enough to accept His help because only then will our
burdens be made light. I love this church and it's truthfulness and
happiness. I love my Heavenly Father and His glorious plan. I love my
Heavenly Brother and His sacrifice for me. He didn't have to do it for
any of us, but He did because He loves us that much! In Mosiah 2:23-24
it says, "And now, in the first place, he hath created you, and
granted unto you your lives, for which he are indebted unto him. And
secondly, he doth require that he should do as he hath commanded you;
for which if he do, he doth immediately bless you; and therefore he
hath paid you And he are still indebted unto him, and are, and will
be, forever and ever; therefore, of what have yet to boast?" We can
never repay what our Savior has done for us. He is perfect. I always
want to serve Him thinking I can just give a little back, but that's
never going to happen. A quote to go along with the scripture is from
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin: "He paid a debt he did not owe. To free us
from a debt we could never pay." Wow! I just don't have any more
words, so I'll close. I hope you all feel the spirit as much as I felt
it when I typed this. I love this church and I know of a surety that
it is true. If you let Him, He will help you and bless your life. I
love my Savior and Father in Heaven. I love them and I can't say it
enough. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

This church is true, the book is blue, and I love you! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œ As they
say in the South, have a blessed week. Remember who you are and what
you stand for! 😊

Sister Jacob
Serving in Chilhowee

Our new addiction!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
We found a super awesome license plate cover! 😊😊😊

We like to play in the rain! That's probably why we get
sick..... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Week 13 - I just love this place!!

Me and my second fish of the day! I just thought this picture
complimented me very well! 😜

Hello Family and Friends!

I typed up this really long email and my iPad started being dumb and
now it's gone, so I'm going to try my best to retype the email! πŸ˜‘πŸ˜’

Well this week has been pretty great! Minus the fact that Sister
Wright and I were still a little sick! We think it might be food
poisoning, but we are unsure. We are doing a lot better now though!
Which is great! Don't worry we have been take care of by everyone here
in the beautiful area of Chilhowee! I absolutely love it here!
Everyone is so awesome! They are so funny! I told everyone about my
mom and dad's work building a new facility in Mascot, which is in my
area, and everyone is so excited because they think my family is
moving here!  We're probably not, but I thought it was hilarious! It's
crazy to think how small the world really is! πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š

Well the highlights of my week are: We went fishing on P-day! I just
love fishing so much and it is a blast! I always catch the most and
the first fish! It's a bit of a competition, but it's all in fun!
πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š We also had an amazing lesson with one of our less actives,
Melissa! It was so spiritual and amazing! I cried and I never thought
I'd cry in a lesson, but that's just how amazing it was! She is just
awesome too and it was just great! 😊 We also tried to do some more
visits, but nobody was home when we went or they were in a hurry to
get out of the door! This week will be better because we are going to
be doing a lot of finding!

Another thing that happened is a change to the mission. We had a Zone
Training Meeting, which is just a meeting with the missionaries in a
certain stake (well usually in a stake), for those of you who don't
know what that is. President Griffin change the meal appointment
policy. We are no longer allowed to have meals in member's homes
unless they have a less active or a nonmember present. He changed it
because our prime proselyting hours are between 5 and 9 and the meals
butt into that time usually. We were all a little upset at first
because that's how you get to know member families, but I think it'll
be good because it will really help improve the work and get the
members to do their missionary work also! It'll be a good change and I
can't wait to see how the work progresses.

Well that's about it for this week! I love you all so much and I hope
you have an awesome week and day! I know that this is the true church
and I know that our Heavenly Father and Savior know and love every
single one of us! I know that as you strive to become like them, then
you will find true happiness and will know the truthfulness of the
Gospel. This church is true, the book is blue, and I love you! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œ

Sister Jacob
Serving in Chilhowee

We feel like true Southerners in our overalls!

Our neighbor Mike gave us nicknames so we had bracelets made.

My comp did my makeup because she likes to torture me, NEVER HAPPENING AGAIN!

Then I changed the lipgloss from bright red to sparkly skin color!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Week 12 - Church Invitations, Phase 10, Uno, and Saving Souls

Howdy Family and Friends!

Well this week was a pretty good week! It was a lot of fun! Even if
Sister Wright and I did get sick, but that's okay because we still had
a pretty awesome week!

The week was going pretty good. Pday we just spent the day with the
other missionaries in our district. We golfed and tried to go to a
trampoline place, but they got something against missionaries because
it's closed every Monday for construction until October. So that was
pretty sad.

We just did a lot of visiting throughout the week. I wasn't feeling
too great on Tuesday! I had a terrible headache and so I took some
medicine for it and it didn't help at all. So i rested for a little
while which sucked! We didn't do anything the rest of the day! I was
so upset, but Sister Wright was good support! She's so awesome!

Then the rest of the week Sister Wright got sick and had like a
stomach thing going on. It was super sad. So we didn't go out too
much. The times that we did go out though was awesome! We got to visit
a lot of people that needed visits! Also, Sister Wright had to give a
talk in Sacrament meeting so we were just inviting everyone we saw to
come to church. Most of them did so that was the highlight!

So I just want to talk about a few people that we visited! Colin, he
is so funny! He is one of those people that is quiet and just hates
the world, but he is so sweet! We have this thing going on where if he
reads the Book of Mormon everyday for 5 minutes before we see in on
Tuesday we will eat Cheesecake with him! It's a hard reward to do for
us, but just because it will help him then we will sacrifice for it!
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ Connie, she is so sweet! We were just driving around and felt
impressed to go see her and her husband Tony. Turns out we answered
her prayers! It was so awesome to be an answer to somebody's prayer!
She also came to church and they both haven't coime to church in
forever! She is not a member, but her husband is. Everyone was so
surprised to see them, but I thought it was just awesome! Now Chase!
He is our new investigator, who tells us he's not an investigator, but
really is. He is our neighbor Mike's best friend. He is so funny! He
just has so many questions about our church and we were more than
happy to answer them and invite him to church!  He came!  It was so
awesome and I can see the change in him happening as he draws closer
to Christ. Now if only the same thing can happen to Mike then that
would be awesome! Everyone would think we are the greatest
missionaries ever if we got Mike to church! Soooo challenge accepted!
Hopefully I stay in this area for a little bit!

Well that was pretty much my week! A lot of fun things happened and a
lot of not so fun things happened. It was just awesome! I love this
church so much and the blessings that come with it as we strive to
follow Christ! I know the blessings that you will recieve if you come
to church and become the best person you can be! There is nothing else
like it! I know this church is true, the book is blue, and I love you!

Sister Jacob
Serving in Chilhowee

Me and my crazy comp and I taking pics with the down the road
neighbor's horses! (We fed them apples and named them! The black one
is Black Mamba and the brown one is Crappy!)

This is Mascot, TN where the new Lifetime facility will be
built! (I drive by it almost everyday! Who knew it was in my area!) My parents work at Lifetime.
My comp curled my hair and I thought my mom would enjoy this because
I normally don't do my hair. I have 3 hairstyles: down, up, homely!

views of certain areas in this beautiful state
of Tennessee!

views of certain areas in this beautiful state
of Tennessee!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Mother's Day to Remember

The Saturday before Mother's Day I (Sister Jacob's mom) was so excited to check the mail because that's when we get Sister Jacob's letters. I open the mailbox and pulled out the mail. NOTHINGπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But at that moment my eye caught an envelope with an address in Tennessee❤️❤️ I rip open the envelope and there is the sweetest card. I could not hold back the tears as I walked back to my house from the mailbox. The card was from Brother and Sister Harris and they did a mini photo shoot for a Mother's Day gift for me. My daughter was only in the area for a short time before she was transferred but she talked about the Harris's in her letters. But I felt so much love for them as I read their kind words about my daughter over and over. Thank you Harris's for your Christ Like love. I will never forget this.
Here are the beautiful pictures they sent.

Week 11 - Hey Hey Hey

Going to feed the neighbors horse an apple. 
The attempt to feed the horse was a failπŸ‘ŽπŸΌ 
Holding our recent converts new kittens.

Our adventure

Hola Mi Familia y Amigos!

This week was awesome! I have tons of time to practice my Spanish
because of how many Cinco de Mayo parties we had! πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰ So much
food.... 😳😁 It was a blast though! Everyone spoke Spanish at the
parties and Sister Wright and I just sat there and stared at them. We
had no what they were saying! My 7th grade Spanish helps me understand
a little bit, but I can't reply back soooo that's awkward!

This week we got visit quite a few people which was awesome! One of
our less actives is starting the 7 day quit program which is awesome!
One of our investigators is going to tell his parents that he wants to
be baptized this week! PLEASE PRAY FOR PAUL!!!!! We just had an
awesome week of getting into people's houses! It was a great change of
not getting into people's houses! My favorite lesson happened
yesterday! We had a nice chat with our neighbor's friend. He thought
we were the weirdest people ever! We showed him our missionary
handbook with all our rules as missionaries and he thought it was our
church's rule book! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Well we answered a ton of his questions
about our church and helped him to realize that we are normal people
and not robots with a ton of rules! He also told us he might come to
church on Sunday! Baptism soon? I think yes!!!! πŸ˜œπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜Ž

On Saturday we had an awesome "Cinco de Mayo" party with a ton of
members! They had a slip n slide, but as missionaries we weren't aloud
to play on it. They also had water guns and balloons and a ton of
little kids! So you can probably guess what happened! Everyone thought
I was super quiet and awkward until after we ate! I ate a jalepeno to
prove that I wasn't and man was that the worst decision of my life!
Then I was drenched from head to foot because the little kids thought
it was hilarious to chase the new missionary around and squirt me and
dump water on me. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚ I'm winning hearts though! Just one water
fight at a time! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Then my favorite day of the week was Mother's Day! Happy belated
Mother's Day for you mothers! I hope you had an awesome day! I got to
talk with my goofy family! It was the best ever! I was worried we were
going to sit in awkward silence, but turns out I am just a chatter box
and I just couldn't shut up! I felt like my mind was going a million
miles a minute! It was so much fun! It was awesome to see them! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

I wanted to share a scripture that stood out to me this week. Alma
32:16 "Therefore, blessed are they who humble themselves without being
compelled to be humble; or rather, in other words, blessed is he that
believeth in the word of God, and is baptized without stubbornness of
heart, yea, without being brought to know the word, or even compelled
to know, before they will believe."

Well I love you all! I hope you have an amazing week! Also I wanted to
remind you all that if you write me letters please put Sister Karissa
Jacob and not just Sister Jacob because we have two Sister Jacob's and
it would be easier for the office missionaries to sort mail!
Thank you so much for everythig that you all do for me! I love this
gospel so much and I know that it is true! It will bless your lives
and the lives of those around you if you let it! The church is true,
the book is blue, and I love you! πŸ’œ

Sister Jacob
Serving in Chilhowee

Monday, May 2, 2016

Week 10 - Howdy from Chilhowee!πŸ˜€❤️

Hey Everyone!

So this week has felt so long! It was crazy! I have felt like I have a
done a ton, but I have also felt like I haven't done much of anything.
It has been a great week though!

First off Monday. Monday was transfer call day and I believe I did
tell all y'all about that last week. I am in Chilhowee now. My
companion is Sister Wright and she is a total goofball! I just love
her. She is so fun and so out going! It's awesome! Monday was a
stressful day because of the transfer call though. We did a lot of
volleyball though and it was so much fun. Then we did our normal pday
stuff and I had to pack all my stuff up. It was a lot of work. Who
knew I would have so much stuff with only 7 weeks in the mission!?

Tuesday I just said goodbye to as many people as I could. It was a sad
day and I realized that I didn't want to leave South Knox. Nothing
else really happened. Wednesday was transfer day and I have never seen
so many missionaries ever. Okay so that's a lie, I apologize. πŸ˜πŸ˜‚The
MTC had a ton of missionaries. Transfers was fun. Just got settled in
to my new home in Chilhowee and got to know my new companion.

It's been raining a lot here and so it's felt like everything has been
flooded. When it rains here, it pours. It's insane, but fun! So a
little bit about Chilhowee. It is just north of my old area. So, I'm
not that far. It's amazing what a couple miles does though. It is so
open here and not a ton of city. Just the way I like it. The people
here are so amazing, happy, fun, and welcoming. They are also very,
super protective. So I am well taken care of and I love it. 😎😊 They
are also so giving. I just love it. πŸ’œ I have really had to learn in
the past couple days to let other people serve me and do things for
me. It is so hard because I just want to help everyone else, but they
just want to help us and it's hard to take sometimes. 😳

I haven't done a whole lot yet teaching wise because everyone's
appointments fell through. I guess I just have that affect on people.
πŸ˜³πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ Haha just kiddin, but I have done a ton of service. We serve at
a quilting place called the Quilts of Valor. It is so much fun and
they just make quilts for veterans. We also do service at a food
pantry. That is a blast and I met so many sweet people. I just love it
here so much!

I love this area and the people and the food and just Tennessee.πŸ’œ It
is a wonderful place and I'm just getting started! I hope every has
had a wonderful week! My week has been awesome! Ohh! I almost forgot.
So funny story. I have been trying to drink more water so my companion
reminds me every so often. Well we were driving to visit some people
and she told me to drink some water and so I took a HUGE gulp, but I
didn't swallow yet and she hit the brakes on the car. So we started
laughing because it was funny, but I still had a ton of water in my
mouth. And if you know me then you know I choke on just about
everything, air included. So I started choking and I couldn't breathe
and we had no clue what to do and we were on a busy street. So she
pulled over and I was choking and panicking and I just started like
throwing up water. It was the grossest thing, but after I was all
better we were just dying of laughter. Now I know what it's like to
almost lose my laugh. IT's really sad cause I love laughing and it
hurt so bad to laugh, but I sounded so funny! Sister Wright calls it
my smoker laugh! πŸ˜‚ I'm totally fine though. We just thought it was a
funny story!

Well I hope everyone is having a great day and that you all have a
great week! I love you all! The church is true, the book is blue, and
God loves you! πŸ’œπŸ˜Š

Sister JacobServing in Chilhowee

A weird snake rock we found while driving.

Sister Wright and I

New hat that I got from my neighbor.
Water fight at a member's house for a birthday party.