Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Week 13 - I just love this place!!

Me and my second fish of the day! I just thought this picture
complimented me very well! 😜

Hello Family and Friends!

I typed up this really long email and my iPad started being dumb and
now it's gone, so I'm going to try my best to retype the email! 😑😒

Well this week has been pretty great! Minus the fact that Sister
Wright and I were still a little sick! We think it might be food
poisoning, but we are unsure. We are doing a lot better now though!
Which is great! Don't worry we have been take care of by everyone here
in the beautiful area of Chilhowee! I absolutely love it here!
Everyone is so awesome! They are so funny! I told everyone about my
mom and dad's work building a new facility in Mascot, which is in my
area, and everyone is so excited because they think my family is
moving here!  We're probably not, but I thought it was hilarious! It's
crazy to think how small the world really is! 😜😂😊

Well the highlights of my week are: We went fishing on P-day! I just
love fishing so much and it is a blast! I always catch the most and
the first fish! It's a bit of a competition, but it's all in fun!
😜😂😊 We also had an amazing lesson with one of our less actives,
Melissa! It was so spiritual and amazing! I cried and I never thought
I'd cry in a lesson, but that's just how amazing it was! She is just
awesome too and it was just great! 😊 We also tried to do some more
visits, but nobody was home when we went or they were in a hurry to
get out of the door! This week will be better because we are going to
be doing a lot of finding!

Another thing that happened is a change to the mission. We had a Zone
Training Meeting, which is just a meeting with the missionaries in a
certain stake (well usually in a stake), for those of you who don't
know what that is. President Griffin change the meal appointment
policy. We are no longer allowed to have meals in member's homes
unless they have a less active or a nonmember present. He changed it
because our prime proselyting hours are between 5 and 9 and the meals
butt into that time usually. We were all a little upset at first
because that's how you get to know member families, but I think it'll
be good because it will really help improve the work and get the
members to do their missionary work also! It'll be a good change and I
can't wait to see how the work progresses.

Well that's about it for this week! I love you all so much and I hope
you have an awesome week and day! I know that this is the true church
and I know that our Heavenly Father and Savior know and love every
single one of us! I know that as you strive to become like them, then
you will find true happiness and will know the truthfulness of the
Gospel. This church is true, the book is blue, and I love you! 😊💜

Sister Jacob
Serving in Chilhowee

We feel like true Southerners in our overalls!

Our neighbor Mike gave us nicknames so we had bracelets made.

My comp did my makeup because she likes to torture me, NEVER HAPPENING AGAIN!

Then I changed the lipgloss from bright red to sparkly skin color!

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