Monday, July 25, 2016

Week 22 - Transfers, walking, walking, walking, WHY IS IT SO HOT!?!?

Hey Everyone!

This week was transfers! In the beginning of the week Sister Wright
told everyone bye and we packed her up for her new adventure. Then
Wednesday came and I got Sister Mayer! She's from West Valley, Utah!

This week was full of basically walking everywhere! I have never
walked so much in my life! Especially in super hot and humid weather!
I've been drinking a ton of water! Who knew I could drink so much
water! Not much else has been going on! Still trying to find people to
teach, but not too many people want to talk to us. That's okay though!
Those who did talk to us though are pretty awesome!

Gladys is pretty awesome! Billy and Fran, my Tennessee Ma and Pa,
found her for us. She lives down the road from them and we were
driving around with them on Saturday, so we drove up to see who it
was. She is so sweet and seems really promising on wanting to learn
more! I am so excited to get to know her better and talk with her! 😊

Not much else has been going on except reorganizing and trying to find
people. This experience has really been teaching me patience. I have
been trying really hard to be patient. I know it's not a Christlike
Attribute I'm really good at and I know that my Heavenly Father knew
that! It's great that He has such a funny sense of humor when you
think about it! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ

Thank you for all that you guys do for me! All the prayers, love, and
support! It really means a lot! I am so grateful to be out here
serving my Heavenly Father and my Savior. I know that They do so much
for me and I couldn't do any of it without Them! I love this Gospel
and the teachings! This church is amazing, but I don't want you to
take my word for it! Pray and find out for yourself just how true and
amazing it is! I know that you will get an answer, even if it's not
the way that you expect.

Remember that the church is true, the book is blue, and I love you!
πŸ’œπŸ˜Š You guys are the best! Thank you so much! Have an awesome day and
an even better week! 😊

Sister Jacob
Serving in Chilhowee

1. Transfer day!
2. Frog in the door that we knocked on! 😁🐸
3. Two BIG FAT pens!!! πŸ˜‚
4. Sister Mayer and I
5. Fran, Billy, Sister Wright, and me on food pantry day! 😊

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