Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Week 26 - First knock is for their salvation, second knock is for ours!

Hey Everyone!

My 6th month mark is this Wednesday! Holy cow! 😂😜😊😳😁💜
Well this week I don't even know what happened! I know we knocked on a
lot of doors, but my brain is not even working today! Also, on Monday
we went to downtown Knoxville and just walked around! It was pretty
fun and it was pouring rain, so the elders thought it would be fun to
play in it. Then they decided they were already wet they went and
played on the splash pad! 😂😜😊

Successes for the week. Dennis and Wilma are still learning, we have
invited them to several things and they don't want to come, which is
super upsetting, but one day they will come and it'll be great! We
were knocking on doors and a few people wanted to hear what we had to
say, so they invited us back! I'm really excited about that! We had
Zone Training Meeting and. It was awesome! President gave a really
good training on obedience and he compared it to King Saul and Samuel!
It was so good! Really made ya think! 😊

Not too much else has been going on. Just working hard and trying to
save some souls! Lots of changes are happening in the next week with
transfers coming up. Like a lot of changes. The only thing I know is
that I am leaving, but I'm not sure where yet. We find out next Monday
what's happening! 😊😁😳

This week I have really learned a lot about my Savior! I love Him so
much and I am so grateful for Him. It's amazing how much I think I
know and then I realize I actually don't know a lot about the
Atonement and my Savior. I am learning a lot though. Through
experiences I have out here and the lives I get to touch. I have also
learned a lot about service this week. I absolutely love doing service
and I love how it makes me feel! When we are in the service of others,
we are only the service of our God. I have done a ton of service this
week and I have just felt so spiritually drained. Maybe that's why I
am tired all the time! I know our Heavenly Father wants us to serve
each other. He doesn't ask a lot from us only that we be as He is. I
know that's a lot, but I know it'll be worth it in the end. 😊

I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father with all my heart! I know this
is the true church on Earth today! Remember the church is true, the
book is blue, and I love you! Have an awesome week! Try to serve
someone this week! 😊💜

Sister Jacob
Serving in Chilhowee

1 & 2. Graffiti Alley 😊😳
3. Sunsphere View! There was a rainstorm coming in!🌧😊
4. Our district! Sister Mayer, Me, Elder Taylor, Elder Leach, Elder
Richins, Elder Wengreen, Elder Hudson, and Elder Lunceford (I was in
Jr. High with Elder Lunceford)
5. It's the tracting life for us! 😊

Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 25 - Walking, Driving, and Service! 😊😜😂😁😳

Hey Everyone!

This week has been super busy! I feel like I just have been zooming
everywhere! We had a lot of lessons and a lot of finding! It's been
crazy busy! Also, a butt load of service. It's been awesome!

The highlights of the week is when Orlando and Colin came to church!
Orlando is a recent convert and he hasn't been coming for a good
little while and Colin is a less active who got a visit from RM's and
he decided that he wanted to be active again! It was awesome!

Alright crazy story! We were doing a service project for one of our
members, Carla, and we were ripping up grass with her, the Elders, and
us. Well we were about done and she said "Sisters will you pull up
this plastic in my flower bed?" Well we did and I was holding the
plastic in my hand and I was looking at all these earwigs crawling
around on the ground. Well something bit me near my elbow and I
screamed and swatted at my arm. Everyone was looking at me like I was
crazy. I went over to the plastic to see what had bit me and we all
look down and we see this HUGE black widow! One of the Elders just
looked at me and said "you need to go to the emergency room now. Let's
take you to the emergency room!" We were all freaking out and Carla
told us to "stop it" and she looked at my arm because she's a nurse
and was like "you didn't get bit by the black widow. You probably just
got pinched by an earwig or something." It was the craziest thing
ever! I'm fine by the way! Nothing too crazy happened! We just thought
it would have been an exciting story to tell! 😊😂😜

This week I have come to realize how great Joseph Smith is. Having
been through all that he did and still having that strong of a faith
is awesome! he was a very courageous man and I hope one day that I
will have that much courage. I know that his story isn't just a story,
but that it really happened. I love this church and how it makes me
feel. How I want to be better and be worthy to see my Heavenly Father
and Savior again.

Remember that the church is true, the book is blue, and I love you! 😊💜

Sister Jacob
Serving in Chilhowee

1. The quilt we made! Me, Elder Hudson, Elder Taylor, and Sister Mayer
2. Me and Izzy 😊💜
3. Me and Orlando 😊😂
4. Me, Mia, Grace, and Sister Mayer 😊
5. Funny sign on a church! 😊😂

Monday, August 8, 2016

Week 24 - Tender Mercies! 😊💜

Howdy Y'all!

This week has been full of guess what!? That's right more finding! Our
area is picking up slowly, but steady. We have had some great lessons
though with some new investigators and some less actives. It's pretty
exciting. The finding never ceases and it's great! You meet some
pretty interesting people knocking on doors. Like very interesting!

The success for the week is we got a baptism date with one of our less
active's son. He is getting baptized September 3! I am so excited!
Michael is just the cutest little boy and he just wants to do so much
service and help people! I love it! Another success that we had is
Emily! We tracted into Emily on Sister Mayer's first day here in
Chilhowee. We emailed Emily a few days after we left a Restoration
pamphlet with her and asked if we could come back to see her. Well
would heard nothing from her for over a week, so we thought she was a
lost cause. Well she emailed back a few days ago and was like "I read
the pamphlet you gave me and I would love to talk about it with you
two, when can you come back over?" It was awesome and we were both
jumping up and down! It was a great tender mercy from our loving

Another happy thing that happened to me this week didn't happen in
Chilhowee! It happened in South Knox! Ally my first investigator, the
first person I asked to be baptized my first few days in the mission
field, got baptized last month!!!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊 We get a monthly
newsletter from the mission office and I was looking through the names
of the people who got baptized in July and I saw her name! I was so
happy! It was the best thing ever and I am so excited foor their
family! I just love them so much! 😊😊😊😊 It made my day!

This week I have learned about God's will. It's not about what I want
in life or in the mission. It's about what he wants me to do. I have
been working harder on trying to forget myself and focus on others.
It's crazy how inspired President Griffin is he sends out weekly
emails and today's was about selflessness and selfishness. I feel like
I have been both.  This week I''m going to try to be more Christlike
and fix the little things that I could be doing to be more Christlike!
The mission is a great eye opening experience and I don't regret a
thing about it. No matter how hard it may be! I love this gospel and
church and My Savior. I know that He lives and that He died for us. He
is the most perfect example we have and I want to be just like Him!
Remember that He loves every single one of you and He knows what
you're going through and He is there for you!

This church is true, the book is blue,  and I love you 😊💜 Have an
awesome week!

Sister Jacob
Serving in Chilhowee

1. Tracting in the rain! 🌂🌧
2. A creepy song... Funny Farm 😳😁
3. My hair in the morning 💁
4. Sacadias! The most annoying insect in the world! They are so loud! 😑🌳
5. My hair at the end of the day, it looks crazy due to HUMIDITY! 😑
6. More tracting fun! By the way I didn't do my hair I just brushed it
and it looked great and curly! 😊😜😂

Monday, August 1, 2016

Week 23 - Weekly update

Hey Everyone,

This week has been super hot and full of walking. My email on my iPad won't work, so I'm at the library trying to catch up on emails. Sorry if I don't get to yours. 

This morning we went golfing which was fun. I still suck at golfing, but it was still fun to hit a ball into a hole! 

This week we did a lot of tracting and trying to find some new people to teach because we don't have any at the time. We have found some success though! We are now teaching a guy named Dennis. We left him with a pamphlet to read and when we came back he read the pamphlet and way more. He printed out some pages from! (Most people don't do that) It was awesome and it made us so happy! 

Not much else really exciting happened besides the fact that we walked everywhere in the heat. Yes I'm drinking a ton of water even though I don't like it. That's okay though because if I ended up in the hospital my Mission Momma wouldn't be to happy and if I didn't die there she'd probably kill me! 😄

I love this gospel so much and it has blessed me so much in my life. I know that my Heavenly Father has a plan for me. Not just me, but all of us. I have come to realize this week that even if I don't know what that plan is or what I need to be doing that if I trust in Him then I will be led to where I need to be. I need to do His will and that is why I am out here serving. It's not for me even though I hope to become better through it, but it's about the rest of God's children out here. We all are of worth and He wants us to know that. 

Sorry this email is so short, but it's just been full of finding. Also, I'm at the library so I have a time limit. Just remember that the church is true, the book is blue, and I love you!

Sorry no pictures this time, but definitely some when I get my iPad fixed! 

Sister Jacob
Serving in Chilhowee

1. You've been flocked! 😂
2. Pete/Timmy 🐲
3. Ma & Pa & Pete/Timmy and us
4. Golfing!