Monday, August 8, 2016

Week 24 - Tender Mercies! 😊💜

Howdy Y'all!

This week has been full of guess what!? That's right more finding! Our
area is picking up slowly, but steady. We have had some great lessons
though with some new investigators and some less actives. It's pretty
exciting. The finding never ceases and it's great! You meet some
pretty interesting people knocking on doors. Like very interesting!

The success for the week is we got a baptism date with one of our less
active's son. He is getting baptized September 3! I am so excited!
Michael is just the cutest little boy and he just wants to do so much
service and help people! I love it! Another success that we had is
Emily! We tracted into Emily on Sister Mayer's first day here in
Chilhowee. We emailed Emily a few days after we left a Restoration
pamphlet with her and asked if we could come back to see her. Well
would heard nothing from her for over a week, so we thought she was a
lost cause. Well she emailed back a few days ago and was like "I read
the pamphlet you gave me and I would love to talk about it with you
two, when can you come back over?" It was awesome and we were both
jumping up and down! It was a great tender mercy from our loving

Another happy thing that happened to me this week didn't happen in
Chilhowee! It happened in South Knox! Ally my first investigator, the
first person I asked to be baptized my first few days in the mission
field, got baptized last month!!!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊 We get a monthly
newsletter from the mission office and I was looking through the names
of the people who got baptized in July and I saw her name! I was so
happy! It was the best thing ever and I am so excited foor their
family! I just love them so much! 😊😊😊😊 It made my day!

This week I have learned about God's will. It's not about what I want
in life or in the mission. It's about what he wants me to do. I have
been working harder on trying to forget myself and focus on others.
It's crazy how inspired President Griffin is he sends out weekly
emails and today's was about selflessness and selfishness. I feel like
I have been both.  This week I''m going to try to be more Christlike
and fix the little things that I could be doing to be more Christlike!
The mission is a great eye opening experience and I don't regret a
thing about it. No matter how hard it may be! I love this gospel and
church and My Savior. I know that He lives and that He died for us. He
is the most perfect example we have and I want to be just like Him!
Remember that He loves every single one of you and He knows what
you're going through and He is there for you!

This church is true, the book is blue,  and I love you 😊💜 Have an
awesome week!

Sister Jacob
Serving in Chilhowee

1. Tracting in the rain! 🌂🌧
2. A creepy song... Funny Farm 😳😁
3. My hair in the morning 💁
4. Sacadias! The most annoying insect in the world! They are so loud! 😑🌳
5. My hair at the end of the day, it looks crazy due to HUMIDITY! 😑
6. More tracting fun! By the way I didn't do my hair I just brushed it
and it looked great and curly! 😊😜😂

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