Hello one and all!
Oh man, Oh man! I can't believe how fast this week has gone! It didn't feel like that at first, but it has really sped up now! So I am going to be truthful! You all will know how I am actually doing even if it's bad. I do really miss you all so much and I've been praying for you all and I hope it's been working! I've been praying a lot for my self too! I have never prayed so much in my life it's insane! So I have cried at least 6 times here, one because I missed you all and the rest because I was laughing so hard! My district are the funniest people in the world! I love them so much and I've only known them for 5 days! Now to my week!
My family dropped me off and it was quiet and awkward, but hey like everyone said it's like we're going to a funeral, except I'm not dead so you can all breathe now! ;) So the MTC moves really fast and I was so stressed when I got dropped off and I like couldn't breathe because we were moving so fast! They weren't kidding when they said that you hit the sidewalk running! So we got into class and met our teachers and our district! We were all awkward, but we are now family which is awesome!
More class! I hate waking up so early! I felt like I had no sleep and it was horrible and I was like yup I'm going home because I want to sleep. Jk, but that's how I felt a little! =D We stayed in class all day. I thought all my missionary friends were messing with me when they said that we spent a lot of time in class, but nope it's insane how much time in class we do spend! I kind of had a mental break down by the end of the night and I took it out on my whole district then I went and bawled my eyes out. Don't worry I went back and apologized, then we had a major vent session on what we missed about our families and we just got to know each other more! It was a very cool experience and we have become so close it's crazy and it's only the second day! Also we got to work out! Working out is of Heaven! Best thing ever! So I'll introduce later who "we" are it's my district! We do absolutely everything together!
Well guess what I did today! MORE CLASS! I am so tired of class! I hate it! I am learning quite a bit though which is great! We also got to teach our first "investigator" Ryan. He's really my instructor as one of his investigators, but it's still a great experience. We also got to work out again! Makes my day every time! I can't remember what else we did on Friday, sorry!
We did more class... I don't like it we spend more time in class than we do in our residence! I guess that's how it's supposed to be, but it's still annoying! We learned how to become better missionaries and man is it stressful! I don't remember what else happened, sorry again!
This day is the best besides Pday! I love the Sabbath! We did so much like Sacrament and Relief Society! We also went for a temple walk and it was the funnest, best thing ever! I got a ton of pictures so I'll send them! We also went to Choir which was fun and a cool Fireside! Elder Allen from the Missionary department talked to us! He is the funniest man! It was great! We also got to watch the Character of Christ from Elder Bednar! It was so good and it made me want to be better! It was amazing!
We went to class and we also had TRC which is teaching investigators. My investigators are Ny and Lawanna. They are both quiet and hard to teach and it's super annoying, but I love them anyway! Ny, I wouldn't blame her if she never wanted to talk with missionaries ever again! That's how bad our teaching went and it was horrible and I was like why am I even here. I suck and I want to go home. My instructor told me and my comp to stick it out until the second lesson. We did and it went so much better! I was like maybe I can make it as a missionary! It was pretty awesome! I have felt the spirit so strong here. Like all the time. I forgot what it feels like to not feel the spirit, but I rather feel this way than the other way!
Today is Pday and I only have one week left which is insane! I get to go to the temple later which I'm excited about, but other than that relax! I am super excited because I am so drained. It's like a spiritually high the whole time and it is so draining!
I love you all and miss you all so much! I hope your week went great! Also if you're worried about me don't be! I'm perfectly fine and I am having a blast! You're the best! Keep smiling and enjoy life! I love you all!
Sister Jacob (that's still weird to say, but I'm getting used to it)
So I'm having trouble downloading my pics, so you'll get them next week sorry!
I'll just tell you my district and comps name!
My comp is Sister Turner. My district is Sister Pfannensteil! I met her before I came into the MTC! I love her! Sister Tanner is her comp. The Elders are Elder Carlisle, Elder Stoddard, Elder Magallon, and Elder Kershner. They are the funniest people ever and I love them all! We are the best district ever! It's pretty great!
Well love you all! Have a great week!
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